Griffin's Restaurant Case Study

Chalkboard Menu Art for Surf 'n' Turf Restaurant

The Chalkboard Menu Art for Griffin's Restaurant

For a long time, the interior design of the Surf & Turf restaurant contained chalkboard menu art. The chalkboard menus are displayed in picture frames.

The goal was to increase the lettering’s quality, make it easier to read, and add additional decoration elements.

Botsy outlines chalkboard menu art for restaurants, cafes and bars. Using wet erase markers, the clients can edit the drawings easily.

Understanding Business Needs

There are two sorts of information represented by the menu items. The first type is about the restaurant’s ongoing gift card promotion. The second category is about the current menu and specials, as well as their prices.

The fish menu is unique in that prices might fluctuate daily depending on the supply of the fish market.

The original restaurant menus were drawn by hand on the wall.
Botsy outlines chalkboard menu art for restaurants, cafes and bars.
The Griffins restaurant uses chalkboard menu art as its interior design elements.

Originally, the wall behind the picture frames was painted with chalk paint. The chalk markers were used to write the menus on the wall. Instead, we proposed using high-quality blackboard inserts in the photo frames for the following reasons:

  • The new blackboards have a non-reflective matte surface to improve menu visibility.
  • New chalkboards are ready for use with wet-erase liquid markers.
  • If necessary, we may create a new blackboard menu in our office to replace the previous one by simply swapping the inserts. This takes a few minutes.
  • The client has the option to wipe off the out-of-date prices as well as some menu items. The revised information can then be written with chalk markers at the restaurant.
"It’s an amazing product to enhance your business, to get your name out when your customer is coming in at a reasonable price."
Tom Lopresto
The restaurant owner

In-House Design Preparation for New Chalkboard Menus

In contrast to hand-lettering at the restaurant, we create the new menu design, menu item positions, and font types in-house. The outlined artworks are created in actual scale utilizing a wall drawing robot in this case. Then we guarantee the quality of the artwork we give to our clients.

The wall drawing robot Botsy outlines the draft menu art.
The draft outlines made in-house on the wall.
Botsy outlines chalkboard art for restaurants, cafes and bars. In fact the drawing robot is a new artistic tool.
The draft menu items are outlined on blackboard by the wall drawing robot.

Production of the Menu Chalkboards

All design and manufacturing are done in-house. For precise lettering and decorating elements, we use a wall sketching robot.

The artist hand-paints inside the outlines after the drawing robot lettering.
Hand-painting the outlines after the drawing robot lettering.

Video: the robotic tool draws accurate lettering on the blackboard.

Botsy, the wall drawing robot outlines chalkboard art for restaurants, cafes and bars.
Ready-to-go blackboards for the picture frames.
Bosty helps to draw the restaurant name.
The restaurant name is hand-painted with white paint.

Setup the New Menu Chalkboards

When all of the menu chalkboards are completed, they are quickly and easily installed at the client location.

Botsy outlines chalkboard menu art for restaurants, cafes and bars. Using wet erase markers, the clients can edit the drawings easily.
Botsy, the wall drawing robot outlines chalkboard art for restaurants, cafes and bars. Wet-erase markers allow to edit prices on the chalkboard easily.

Another board featuring the restaurant’s name is ready to go.

The new restaurant name is hand-painted inside the outlines and appears to be a hand-made artwork.

Botsy, the wall drawing robot outlines chalkboard art for restaurants, cafes, bars.
Botsy, the wall drawing robot outlines chalkboard art for restaurants, cafes and bars.

The Chalkboard Menu Art Before & After


The old hand-drawn menu.

Botsy outlines chalkboard menu art for restaurants, cafes and bars. Using wet erase markers, the clients can edit the drawings easily.


The redesigned menu drawn with wet erase marker. 


The old hand-drawn menu.

Botsy, the wall drawing robot outlines chalkboard art for restaurants, cafes and bars. Wet-erase markers allow to edit prices on the chalkboard easily.


The redesigned menu drawn with wet erase marker. 

The staff's initial reaction when they see the new blackboard menu art.

BONUS. The Chalkboard with Guidelines

The chalkboard with instructions at the restaurant makes it easier to update the menu with wet erase markers. We also include an alphabet template for self-lettering. The proposed font is shown in the template.

The alphabet template with proposed font.

Botsy outlines chalkboard menu art for restaurants, cafes and bars. Using wet erase markers, the clients can edit the drawings easily.

The blackboard with guidelines to use with wet erase markers.

Botsy outlines chalkboard menu art for restaurants, cafes and bars. Using wet erase markers, the clients can edit the drawings easily.

The chalkboard with guidelines makes updating the menu with wet erase markers more easier.

The example of template using the proposed font.