Company Office Logo & Large Lettering
The Company Office Logo and Large Lettering on a Wall
When the client first saw Botsy, the drawing robot, he was immediately impressed. That’s why he asked us to design his company logo and transfer it on a wall in large lettering. After the idea was accepted, it simply took a few hours in one evening to accomplish this art drawing project.
Due to the restricted amount of open area on the wall, this logo with large letters was completed utilizing a compact version of the drawing robot. With permanent markers, the robot outlined the artwork. As a result, there was no need to use carbon transfer paper or draw a grid. To match the infill colors, three different Sharpie markers were chosen. Finally, the outline of the artwork was quickly hand-painted, and the art project was finished.
This video shows Botsy, the drawing robot, transferring art designs to the wall.
The complete robotic tool was first secured with 3M Command Strips. Second, the computer design was scaled up and quickly transferred to the wall. Third, the robot, horizontal track, and strips were all removed without causing any harm to the wall. Finally, the letters and logo were hand painted in bright colors.
Because of the use of the drawing robot, the finished artwork is a perfect match with the computer design supplied to the client at the beginning.
Find more information about the drawing robot at:
"What You See Is What You Get" is a Significant Advantage of Robotic Image Transfer to a Wall.

The drawing machine helped trace and outline all elements of the mural fast and accurately.

What You See Is What You Get